fat reduction

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Body Contouring
Making Reachable Resolutions with Personalized Body Contouring Treatment Plans

If you’re having trouble getting rid of stubborn bulges and rolls, you may be an ideal candidate for non-invasive CoolSculpting® body contouring.

Body Contouring
Combo Contouring with CoolSculpting® plus VelaShape®

Who doesn’t want maximum results and minimal downtime? Everyone. That’s why many choose non-invasive body contouring treatments rather than surgery. Coolsculpting and VelaShape are two non-invasive body contouring treatment options that provide optimal outcomes for anyone who wants to say “goodbye forever” to excess fat and improve the appearance of cellulite.

Body Contouring
Tackle Cellulite With VelaShape

If the look of cellulite hinders your self-esteem, VelaShape® body contouring at SkinReMEDI could be the solution you’re hoping for. It’s FDA-approved to tackle stubborn cellulite and help you shed frustrating pockets of fat on your abdomen or thighs.

Body Contouring
The Power of Dual Sculpting for Achieving the Body Shape of Your Dreams

Eating right and exercising are important elements of a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes, they’re just not enough to lose those last few pounds. The good news is that you don’t have to let a little lingering fat keep you from loving what you see in the mirror. CoolSculpting® is a proven client favorite at SkinReMEDI. It’s a noninvasive body contouring treatment that tones curves and blasts unwanted fat.

Body Contouring
You Can Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back With Body Contouring

Body contouring could help you get your pre-pregnancy body — and your confidence — back. Turn to the aesthetic specialists at SkinReMEDI to find the latest in noninvasive body contouring, including CoolSculpting® and UltraShape® Power.

Body Contouring
Why CoolSculpting® is the Way to the Body You Want

CoolSculpting fights stubborn fat with a technology called cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis targets and destroys unwanted fat cells below the surface of your skin, without the need for invasive fat reduction surgery.

Body Contouring
Achieve Your Body Shape Goals With UltraShape® Power

UltraShape Power is a body contouring system that uses gentle ultrasound waves to disrupt unwanted fat cells. The wavelengths target only fat cells, leaving surrounding tissue, nerves, and muscle undamaged.

Body Contouring
Get a Jump on Summer With CoolSculpting®

The technology behind CoolSculpting is cryolipolysis: It selectively freezes unwanted fat cells. Once fat cells are frozen, they die, and that stubborn fat is permanently eliminated from your body.

Body Contouring
Start CoolSculpting Now and Get the Body You’ve Always Wanted by Spring

CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical procedure used to reduce and eliminate fat in specifically targeted areas around your body.

Skip the Liposuction: Dissolve that Double Chin with Kybella Injections

There is an easy way to get rid of excess chin fat without having to endure liposuction or undergo cosmetic surgery. Here’s how minimally invasive Kybella® neck-lift injections can help you.