Ashley Cotner

Licensed Esthetician / Licensed Asst. Cosmetic Laser Practitioner
Morningside (Atlanta, GA)

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Ashley Cotner


Ashley Cotner

Ashley has been in the aesthetic industry since 2016. She joined the team at our sister spa, Natural Body Spa & Shop and was eager to grow and expand her experience to enhance the treatments she could offer to her clients. Known for treating clients form head-to-toe, Ashley is a certified medical esthetician and laser practitioner who brings a wealth of knowledge and personal passion to every service she provides.

Hi, my name is Ashley Cotner. I am a Licensed Medical Esthetician, certified assistant laser practitioner and have been treating clients in the aesthetic industry for over five years at our Natural Body Spa & SkinREMEDI location in Morningside. One of her favorite treatments to share with her clients is Microneedling which is fabulous for anti-aging and textural issues. For home-care use Ashley loved the retinol available by our partners Skinmedica. Retinol a great product that addresses multiple concerns including fine lines, loss of elasticity, large pores, and discoloration and pairs really well with HA5, also a superstar skincare item to use at home. Both of these helps to maintain results from IPL, microneedling, and chemical peels and ultimately enhance the effects from each treatment.

“Skincare is my passion and I look forward to seeing you for a personalized treatment plan!” Visit Ashley at our Morningside location on Wednesdays 10am-6pm, Fridays 10am-6pm, and Sundays 11am-6pm.

Testimonial Quotation mark

Ashley did a great job! She was also very knowledgeable and friendly. I will definitely be back to see her.

Shannon M. | Treatment: 60minute Microdermabrasion
5 stars
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