IPL Photofacials and Microneedling Can Help Bring Inner Beauty to the Surface

Help your skin heal itself with IPL photofacials and microneedling.

beautiful young female sitting in a window smiling and looking to the side

Help Your Skin Heal Itself

Did you know the body can heal itself and does on an almost continuous basis? Cells can be naturally restored and the healing process kicks in because that’s how the body is designed. But that’s not to say that sometimes we don’t need a bit of help, especially in the very delicate case of our skin, the largest and most environmentally vulnerable organ of the body. Here are some ways to help rejuvenate your skin with IPL photofacials and microneedling available at SkinReMEDI by Natural Body Spa in the Atlanta neighborhood, Morningside and Alpharetta, GA.

Regenerate Your Skin with an IPL Photofacial

An IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial is an aesthetic service designed to stimulate your body’s ability to heal itself by regenerating new cells and tissues. During this rejuvenating treatment, your skin is exposed to beams of intense wavelengths of light that pinpoint varying conditions by reaching specific areas.

As targeted tissues are heated to therapeutic temperatures (so there is no risk of burning), the deepest layers of your skin are gently broken down. This action triggers a cascade of healing transformation over time, as new collagen, elastin fibers, and skin tissues begin developing and replacing the older, damaged layers of skin. This helps your imperfections to naturally fade away.  

For optimal results, especially if you have more extensive pigmentation or sun damage, your skin care practitioner can recommend a package of three to five IPL photofacial sessions, spaced at least a month apart.

Microneedling Stimulates Healing

As we age, the production of collagen slows down. Microneedling with the SkinPen®, an FDA-cleared treatment, is designed to stimulate healing processes and make them occur faster. The SkinPen creates micro-wounds with dozens of tiny needles that penetrate your skin in a controlled manner.

These very small wounds trigger cell signaling — since your body knows an injury is occurring — which forces increased blood flow to the area, as well as rapid cell turnover.

As your skin heals during the following days and weeks, new collagen and elastin fibers build up from deep below the surface. These new skin-firming components stack neatly together to completely remodel your skin and restore your skin’s youthful texture and appearance.  

What is microneedling with the SkinPen?

SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device on the market clinically proven to improve the appearance of wrinkles of the neck and acne scars in patients ages 22 and older. In as few as three minimally invasive treatments spaced 30 days apart, you can improve your appearance and face the world with confidence.

There are three phases to the wound-repair process:

  • Phase I: Inflammation. Piercing the skin triggers your immune system to cleanse the wound, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue.
  • Phase II: Proliferation. The wound is rebuilt with new granulation cells, which are part of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.
  • Phase III: Remodeling. The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels.

What are the benefits of SkinPen®?

  • Little Downtime: This is a perfect treatment for patients with a busy schedule.
  • Natural Recovery: SkinPen’s mechanical process is versatile and usable year-round.
  • Safe for all Skin Types: Clinically proven effective on all skin types, Fitzpatrick 1 – 6.
  • Safe and Sound: The first FDA-cleared microneedling device on the market.
  • Comfortable: A light numbing cream may be used to minimize discomfort.

**NOTE:  Patients are able to see results beneath the surface of the skin with VISIA Analysis available at SKinReMEDI by Natural Body Spa**

Your personalized skin care plan with VISIA Analysis

VISIA Analysis uses a multi-point positioning system to accurately capture images every time. That means we can analyze your skin before and after aesthetic treatment, directly comparing your past results to uncover your best possible skin.

Along with a visual assessment of your skin, the VISIA system determines your TRUSKIN AGE®. We compare your results with results of people matching your age, gender, and skin type, and compile all this information into our recommendation for your skin.

Your noninvasive skin analysis takes just a few minutes. Once it’s complete, your aesthetic specialist begins reviewing your skin report and photos. The report includes detailed mapping of all the most common skin concerns, including:

  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Enlarged pores
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Sunspots
  • Redness
  • Uneven skin texture

We use your report to develop a personalized skin care plan just for you. Based on your aesthetic goals and your skin’s needs, we’re able to recommend a range of treatments to improve upon your skin’s natural beauty.

Contact SkinReMEDI by Natural Body Spa Today

If you would like a visual assessment of your skin with VISIA Analysis, learn more about Microneedling with the SkinPen and experience the benefits of IPL photofacials, contact SkinReMEDI by Natural Body Spa in Alpharetta or Atlanta, GA today.


  1. Microneedling: https://www.skinremedi.com/medical-spa-services/microneedling
  2. SkinPen:  https://skinpen.com/how-microneedling-device-works/
  3. IPL: https://www.skinremedi.com/medical-spa-services/ipl-photofacial
  4. VISIA: https://www.skinremedi.com/blog/how-a-skin-analysis-works

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